7 Reasons Why You Need MyPropertyBilling.com

1. Accountants Just Aren’t Enough. Managing an HOA or Condo Association is more than paying bills and managing accounts. There are state laws and regulations to follow, and then there’s always the unexpected urgent capital project “fix”. (Not to mention delinquent payments – are you calling advantage of our property management knowledge and your neighbors to tell them their dues are late? Really?) Take experience to support you and take care of administrative headaches.

2. We have a great vendor list. When you need recommendations for a new roofing contractor or a parking lot needs to be re-paved, you’ll have the MyPropertyBilling.com list of approved vendors to consult. Each vendor on our list has been approved and qualified, so you know you can trust them!

3. We negotiate insurance for you. We’ll help you get the best price for the exact insurance coverage your property needs. You don’t need to do the research, bargaining, and calling to figure it out because we’ll do it all. You can have the peace of mind that comes with our knowledge and expertise. And if there is ever a claim, we’ll handle that, too.

4. Your Board of Trustees might change. Sure, you have a great Board Treasurer today. But what if he or she moves away or opts not to volunteer again? Turnover on Boards is to be expected—let MyPropertyBillling.com keep everything running smoothly when it happens. Your financials will always be consistent, correct, and archived. And you won’t have to worry about missing bills or payments while you’re bringing your next Treasurer on board.

5. Convenience for you AND for owners.
Online dues payments that are safe and secure? Check. Online work order submissions? Check! An easy way for you to text or email owners? Also check! We even offer a custom online portal for residents to easily communicate with each other.

7. Less Paperwork Headaches. Don’t let condo questionnaires and closing packages take over your ‘to do’ list. And don’t let administrative chores monopolize your free time. Leave it to us – we’re pros! We’ll take paperwork from ‘to do’ to ‘DONE!’ while you’re taking a much-deserved break.